Explore Your Fringe Benefits Package with Naked HR Rep Megan Blake

If you’ve ever worked in corporate America, you know that there’s nothing worse than a meeting about your benefits package with your HR representative. That’s what makes Megan Blake so much better than the average HR rep, because when she’s got a list of things to let you know about, she’s going to strip down to nothing while informing you of your rights and benefits as a part of the company.
Now, I don’t know what company Megan Blake works for, and it may well be Playboy, but the name of this photo set was “Fringe Benefits” which makes my corrupted mind harken back to my years spent in the corporate world. Using buzzwords like “best practices” and “low hanging fruit” was arguably the worst period of my entire life, but I really think things could have been improved had a single one of my HR reps looked or behaved anything like Megan Blake.
So the next time you’re called into an hour long meeting that easily could have been an e-mail, sneak in these pictures of Megan Blake. At least it’ll give you something productive to do while the meeting’s going on. That’s more than anyone else has ever done for your sanity in these situations.