Thirsty Demi Rose Hits The Beach In Gorgeous, Curvy Little Swimsuit

I’ve often wondered what Demi is short for? Is it short for Demetria? Demitasse? Demilovato? What is it short for? Someone please tell me!
Anyway, we don’t need to know root origins of names to enjoy the always lovely Demi Rose. Here she is showing off ample amounts of cleavage in a one-piece swimsuit. It takes talent—both on the designer’s and the wearer’s parts—to pull off sexy in a one-piece swimsuit.
Usually, the one-piece is reserved for the more modest swimmers among us, leaving bikini designers to have more sexy fun. But whomever designed this swimsuit was having lots of sexy fun. I imagine there were frequent breaks for handjobs.
Anywho, Demi’s got her drink in hand and no one’s gonna get between her and enjoying that nicely crafted cocktail. It looks like it was made by a real beach bum out of his bicycle powered margarita machine. You want authenticity when you’re getting shit faced on the beach.
But yeah, if anyone knows what Demi is short for, let me know. And parents, stop giving your kids nicknames as their formal names, okay? Let us decide what their nicknames are going to be. This isn’t that hard peop