I’ve always had a thing for girls with more meat on their bones and Iskra Lawrence is one of the most gorgeous women that doesn’t fit the waifish standards of the fashion industry. She was in Paris earlier this week and stepped out in a dress whose color can only be accurately described as highlighter yellow. Seriously, she looks like one of my college textbooks.
Iskra Lawrence is so well aware of her size and compliments it with gorgeous outfits like this one. There’s even a nice picture of her feet in there for QT and all you other foot men out there. There really is something for everyone here, except ignorant assholes who are gonna show up to try and body shame her as if she reads this site, let alone its comments section.
If you want to extoll the virtues of Iskra Lawrence, we welcome you to sound off on this all-time beauty in the comments section below. If you’ve got nothing positive to contribute, however, keep going. There’s no rule that says you have to read every article on the site, so just leave this one for people who enjoy Iskra Lawrence. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.